After ordering online, you will receive an email confirmation from Cloudoip containing your order details (if you have provided your email address). We will normally confirm receipt of your order within a few minutes of ordering. We will attempt to send your goods via courier within 30 working days; however if goods are unavailable delivery will take a little longer. If you wish to query a delivery please contact us at
After ordering online, you will receive an email confirmation from Cloudoip containing your order details (if you have provided your email address). We will normally confirm receipt of your order within a few minutes of ordering. We will attempt to send your software/license/access code via email within 5 working days. If you wish to query a delivery please contact us at
All hardware is subject to 7 Days return to base for a full refund.
All Services are non refundable, and subject to “Early Termination Fees”, for the remainder of the contract period for that service.